Monday, 11 February 2008


Draft page - captions to add

The little visited Mayan site of Edzna is on a monumental scale. On one side of the Plaza Principal is the Nohochna or Big House an extremely elongated structure facing a series of steps which lead up to a further enclosure on the far side of which is the Edificio de los Cinco Pisos, a mixture of a palace and a temple with colonnaded facades on five levels. A struggle up the steep staircase is rewarded by a magnificent panorama of the whole site and out across the flat forested expanse of the Yucatan peninsula.

To the south, beyond the ball court is the Templo de Mascarones where archaeologists had stripped off the outer layer to reveal two masks of the sungod, complete with original colouring. The puzzling Templo de la Escalinata con Relievos includes what appears to be a late and clumsy attempt at a hieroglyphic staircase.

Stela, Edzna
Stela, Edzna
Structure with columns, Edzna
Structure, Edzna
Arch in Area of Ambassadors, Edzna
Nohoch Na platform on main Plaza opposite Building of the Five Stories
Building of the Five Stories, West Side, Edzna
House of the Moon (left), Edzna
Great Acropolis with Grand Plaza and Nohoch Na beyond, from top of Building of Five Stories, Edzna
Structures in Great Acropolis from top of Building of Five Stories, Edzna
Panorama of Great Acropolis with Grand Plaza beyond from Building of the Five Stories, Edzna
Corner of Building of the Five Stories, Edzna
Ball court, Edzna
Sun god masks, Temple of Masks, Edzna
Stucco masks, Temple of Masks, Edzna
Temple of Decorated Stairs, Edzna
Ball court, Edzna
Building of the Five Stories from Nohoch Na, Edzna